BRAG’s Community & Economic Development team provides professional staff support to local cities, towns, and counties to aid in communication and planning on shared issues. C&ED also assists in finding funding assistance for critical public infrastructure projects that support informed growth and economic success.

Community & Economic Development
BRAG receives federal and state funding to provide regional and local community and economic development planning and technical assistance. Technical assistance can include community planning, strategic growth and economic development planning, human service transportation coordination and services, regional natural hazard mitigation planning, parks and trails planning, affordable housing planning, grant procurement assistance, funding for community capital assets and infrastructure, and others.
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Local Community Planning Assistance
BRAG offers technical community planning assistance to local cities, towns, and counties in Box Elder, Cache, and Rich Counties.
Local Community Planning Activities:
- General Plan Development (generally for smaller towns)
- Land Use Ordinance Help
- GIS Analysis/Mapping
- Conceptual Site Level Planning/Design
- Public Involvement
- Parks and Trails Planning
- Moderate Income Housing Planning
- Capitol Improvements Planning
Funding for local community planning assistance is provided by the Permanent Community Impact Fund Board (CIB) via the statewide Regional Planner Program (RPP).
For more information or to request technical planning assistance, please call Brian Carver or Brittany Alfau at 435-752-7242 or email at or
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Regional & Local Planning Services
Learn what resources BRAG can provide to help your community manage growth and development
Project Funding Opportunities
Find grants and loans for your public works projects
Economic Development Strategic Planning
See the Bear River Region’s goals for economic success in your community
Mobility Planning and Transportation Assistance
Learn how BRAG can help you get to where you need to go
Bear River Heritage Area
Economic Success through Culture and Heritage Preservation
See our most recent studies and plans