Regional Planning Services
BRAG provides various regional planning services, including natural hazard mitigation planning; coordination of economic and natural resource planning processes, plans, and projects; and assists communities with regional growth and development education and events.
Examples of past and current regional planning projects and coordinated services include:
Natural hazard mitigation plan updates in the Bear River Region and other regions
Interoperable emergency communications plans
Coordinated Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) updates
Bear Lake Economic Significance Study
Bear River Economic Significance Study
Water Quality Planning Toolkit for Utah Communities
Utah Sensitive Lands Planning Toolkit
The Cache Summit (growth and development summit)
The Box Elder Summit (growth and development summit)
BRAG staff also serves on a variety of local, regional, and statewide planning and economic development committees and boards.
For more information or to request regional planning, growth, or economic development assistance, please contact Brian Carver or Brittany Alfau at 435-752-7242 or email at or