Human Services provides help with short-term rental assistance and short-term mortgage payment assistance. Contact a caseworker today.

Housing Crisis Assistance

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Self Sufficiency Matrix


Online English Intake Packet


Paquete de Admisión (Esp)

Housing Crisis Assistance

If you are homeless, or about to be evicted or otherwise lose your housing, please print and complete both the application packet and assessment matrix below.

Self-Sufficency Matrix-1

Intake Packet (Eng)


Si desea solicitar asistencia con su pago de alquiler, imprima y llene la solicitud y la evaluación métrica de autosuficiencia.
Paquete de admisión (Esp)

Si está teniendo dificultades con el pago de su alquiler o servicios públicos por causa de COVID-19 solicite ayuda aquí. Elija Español en la lista de opciones de lenguaje.
If you would like to apply for short-term mortgage payment assistance, please print and complete the intake packet below

English CDBG Mortgage Payment Intake Packet – Fillable

Paquete de admisión de pago de hipoteca CDBG en español rellenable

Scan the completed forms (or take clear, legible photos with your phone) and email them to a caseworker (below) along with your required documents. You may also take your completed forms to the drop box at the rear entrance of the BRAG office at 170 N Main St in Logan.

If you do not have access to a printer, please call or email a caseworker (below) to schedule an intake appointment over the phone or click on the Online English Intake Packet link above, answer all the questions and submit.

Stephanie Carver