The Bear River Association of Governments will be providing assistance to households who need to have their taxes prepared through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA). If you earned less than $60,000 you may be eligible for help to submit your taxes.
Jenny Rodriguez
2022 VITA Site Schedule
Box Elder VITA Sites
Bear River Senior Center
Address: 510 W 1000 N, Tremonton, UT 84337
Hours: Fridays from 3:30 to 6:30 PM, Feb 3rd through April 14th 2023.
Call (435) 257-9455 for an appointment
Brigham City Public Library
Address: 26 E Forest St, Brigham City, UT 84302
Hours: Wednesdays 5:30 – 7:30 PM, Feb 8th through April 12th 2023
Call (435) 713-1439 for an appointment
Cache County VITA Sites
BRAG (Bear River Association of Governments)
Address: 170 N Main, Logan, UT 84321
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, Feb 1st through April 18th. 2023
Call (435) 713-1439 for an appointment
Appointments are available after tax season by request.
DWS (Department of Workforce Services)
Address: 180 N , 100 W, Logan, UT 84321
Hours: Wednesdays 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM, March 1st through April 12th 2023.
Call (435) 713-1439 for an appointment
USU (Utah State University, Logan Campus)
Address: George S. Eccles Business Building room 120
Hours: Tuesdays 6:00 to 8:00 pm., Saturdays 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Feb 8th through March 28th, 2023.
No Appointments necessary, first come first serve
Free Tax Preparation
The Bear River Association of Governments will be providing assistance to households who need to have their taxes prepared through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA). If you earned less than $60,000 you may be eligible for help to submit your taxes.
Option 1: Schedule a appointment.
You have three options to schedule an appointment.
Option A: The first is to schedule the appointment through our calendar. Visit the VITA Facebook page at and click on the Calendar for scheduling appointments. Choose a day and time, click that time slot and type in your name and phone number and click save. It’s that easy! Feel free to have a friend or a family member help you with this as needed.
Option B: You can also call BRAG at 435-713-1449 to schedule an appointment. Please keep in mind that we have limited staff, so if you don’t reach someone, please leave a single message with your name and phone number indicating you would like to schedule an appointment to get your taxes done. A VITA volunteer or BRAG staff will call you back to help schedule the appointment.
Option C: You can email us to schedule an appointment.
For Cache and Rich Counties email us at .
For Box Elder County email us at
OPTION 2: Submit your forms to us directly.
If you can scan or snap pictures of your documents you can submit them to us directly. Use the following steps to complete the process.
A. Complete IRS intake form found at
B. Scan or take pictures of your completed intake form, identifying documents, and any w-2’s and other tax forms.
C. Submit your request based on which county you reside in.
If you live in : Cache and Rich Counties submit taxes here
If you live in : Box Elder County Submit taxes here
Option 3: Prepare Your Own Taxes
Want to prepare your own taxes? You can prepare your own taxes for free through Choose the DIY option at the bottom of the screen and get started!
If you have any other questions please let us know how we can help. You can send us an email at or, leave us a message on facebook, or call us at435-713-1449. Lets make this tax season the best it can be!